Tuesday, October 20, 2009

should I believe it Tarot?

It's been so long since I have felt this way.
And I feel like I am going to puke and dance and fall of the edge.
And I want it to not happen
and then happen so much,
that I am not sure which way to turn.

I'm scared.
Fucking terrified.
With good reason I would think.
I've been so happy just being myself for so long.
Blue sweat pants, unshaven legs.

And what if you turn out to be what I am sure you will be?
a disaster?
a pimp?
a liar?
a cheater?
anything but wonderful.

But god damn,
it was so wonderful,
looking into your beautiful eyes,
the feelings of pure delight.
up and down like a hundred little stars tinkling through my arms.

That's when you say fuck it,
fuck it ,
fuck it,
even if this goes nowhere,
those couple of moments can go in my pocket.

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