Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday, Monday....

I couldn't sleep last night.
I am not sure why,
normally with my vices, I can sleep just fine.
But not last night, I tossed and turned.

Me and J made Chocolate Chip cookies at 9 30 and I must have ate 5.
Maybe it was too much sugar so late.
Maybe it was my head being scared for Monday.
Who knows?

All I know is I feel shit-ty! today.

I went to see Pineapple Express yesterday.
What a piece of crap that was.
What is with all the movies having no strong female characters?
What is with weed and blowing stuff up being funny?
It made no sense.

And I like to have a puff and a laugh just as much as the next girl.

I really really did not get it.
The 5 mins of Dance Dance Revolution before the movie was the best part!

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